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20128月至今   必威官方网西汉姆官方

2014-2016    美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California, San Diego) 纳米工程系 博士后

2007-2012    浙江大学 化学专业 理学博士

2010-2011     比利时根特大学(Ghent University)分析化学系    交流博士(欧盟Lisum项目)

2003-2007    哈尔滨工业大学  化学工程与工艺专业 工学学士


主要研究方向为:微纳马达设计及环境和生物医学应用、柔性传感器电极材料、电化学腐蚀机理和防护技术。先后承担国家自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金、浙江大学开放题课题等纵向课题项目和相关横向课题。在Advanced MaterialsAdvanced   Functional MaterialsACS NanoPhysical   Review AppliedSmall等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,目前4篇工作当选为Advanced   Functional MaterialsSmallNanoscale   Horizons封面或封底文章,1篇入选2020   Nanoscale Hot Article Collection 与浙江大学、加州大学圣地亚哥分校、南京航空航天大学建立了良好合作关系。担任Frontier in Neurorobotics杂志审稿编辑;并担任Journal of Alloys and CompoundsChemistryselect等期刊审稿人。


(1)   W.J. Liu*, X. Chen, X.Y. Ding, Q.   Long, X.L. Lu*, Q. Wang*, Z.W. Gu, Visible-light-driven cuprous oxide nanomotors   with surface-heterojunction-induced propulsion, Nanoscale Horizons,   2021, 6: 238-244. (内封面文章)

(2) H.Q. Shi, C.C. Tang, Z.C. Wang, Z.J. Zhang, W.J. Liu*,   Y. Ding, X.D. Shen, Nanoporous bismuth electrocatalyst with high performance   for glucose oxidation application, International Journal of   Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 4055-4064.

(3) W.J. Liu*, X. Chen, X.L. Lu*, J. Wang, Y.N.   Zhang, Z.W. Gu, From passive inorganic oxides to active matters of micro/nanomotors,   Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30: 2003195.

(4) W.J. Liu*, H.B. Ge, X.Y. Ding, X.L. Lu*, Y.N.   Zhang, Z.W. Gu, Cubic nano-silver-decorated manganese dioxide micromotors: enhanced   propulsion and antibacterial performance, Nanoscale, 2020, 12:   19655-19664. (热点文章)

(5) H.Q. Shi, X. Chen, K. Liu, X.Y. Ding, W.J. Liu*,   M.L. Xu*, Heterogeneous fenton ferroferric oxide-reduced graphene oxide-based   composite microjets for efficient organic dye degradation, Journal of   Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 572: 39-47.

(6)   X.L. Lu*, H. Shen, Y. Wei, H.B. Ge, J.   Wang, H.M. Peng, W.J. Liu*, Ultrafast growth and locomotion of dandelion-like   microswarms with tubular micromotors, Small, 2020, 16: 2003678.(封底文章)

(7)   H.Q. Shi, W.B. Zhao, X.W. Wei, Y. Ding, X.D.   Shen, W.J. Liu*, Effect of Ti addition on mechanical properties and corrosion   resistance of Ni-free Zr-based bulk metallic glasses for potential biomedical   applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 815: 152636.

(8) W.J. Liu*, H.B. Ge, X. Chen, X.L. Lu*, Z.W. Gu,   J.X. Li*, J. Wang, Fish-scale-like intercalated metal oxide-based micromotors   as efficient water remediation agents, ACS Applied Materials &   Interfaces, 2019, 11: 16164-16173.

(9) X.L. Lu*, K.D. Zhao, W.J. Liu*, D.X. Yang, H.   Shen, H.M. Peng, X.S. Guo, J.X. Li*, J. Wang*, A human microrobot interface based   on acoustic manipulation, ACS Nano, 2019, 13: 11443-11452.

(10) X.L. Lu*, K.D. Zhao, H.M. Peng, H.F. Li, W.J. Liu*,   Local enhanced microstreaming for controllable high-Speed acoustic rotary microsystems,   Physical Review Applied, 2019, 11: 044064.

(11) W.J. Liu*, H.B. Ge, Z.W. Gu, X.L. Lu*, J.X.   Li*, J. Wang*, Electrochemical deposition tailors the catalytic performance   of MnO2-based micromotors, Small, 2018, 14:1802771.(封底文章)

(12) W.J. Liu*, Y. Wang, H.B. Ge, L. Li, Y. Ding, L.G.   Meng, X.G. Zhang, Microstructure evolution and corrosion behavior of Fe-Al based   intermetallic aluminides coatings under acidic condition, Transactions of   Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018, 28: 2028-2043.

(13) J.L. Li#, P. Angsantikul#, W.J.   Liu#, B. Esteban-Fernández de Ávila#, X.C. Chang,   E. Sandraz, Y.Y. Liang, S.Y. Zhu, Y. Zhang, C.R. Chen,  W.W. Gao, L.F.   Zhang*, J. Wang*, Biomimetic platelet-camouflaged nanorobots for binding and isolation   of biological threats, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30: 1704800. (共一)

(14) J.L. Li#, P. Angsantikul#, W.J. Liu#,   B. Esteban-Fernández de Ávila#, S. Thamphiwatana, M.L. Xu, E.   Sandraz, X.L. Wang, J. Delezuk, W.W. Gao, L.F. Zhang*, J. Wang*, Micromotors   spontaneously neutralize gastric acid for pH-responsive payload release, Angewandte   Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56: 2156-2161. (共一)


刘文娟, 戈宏彬,   陈笑, 高比表面中空管状微米马达、制备方法及应用, 2019, 中国,ZL201811551951.2.