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阅读次数:     发布时间:2021-03-28
















2000-2004合肥工业大学 材料物理学士  

2000-2007中科院固体物理研究所 凝聚态物理硕士      

2007-2010中科院固体物理研究所 材料物理与化学博士      

2010-2011中科院合肥智能机械研究所 博士后

2011-2013法国巴黎十一大 博士后

2013-2015德国马普固体化学物理所 博士后

2015至今 必威官方网西汉姆官方 教师



教学上主要承担必威本科生选修课程《高技术陶瓷材料》的教学工作。科研上主要从事热电能源转换和相变储热等能源材料领域的研究工作。在 Nat. Mater., J. Am.   Chem. Soc., Adv. Funct. Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., Nano Energy等期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇。Materials   International期刊编委。



1.Yan   Gu, Xiao-Lei Shi, Lin Pan,* Wei-Di Liu, Qiang Sun, Xiao Tang,   Liang-Zhi Kou, Qing-Feng Liu, Yi-Feng Wang,* and Zhi-Gang Chen*, Rational   Electronic and Structural Designs Advance BiCuSeO Thermoelectrics, Advanced   Functional Materials 2021, 2101289

2.Lin,   Pan; Wei-Di, Liu; Jie-Yun, Zhang; Xiao-Lei, Shi; Han, Gao; Qing-feng,   Liu; Xiaodong, Shen; Chunhua, Lu; Yi-Feng, Wang*; Zhi-Gang, Chen*,  Synergistic   effect approaching record-high figure of merit in the shear exfoliated n-type   Bi2O2-2xTe2xSe, Nano Energy 69 (2020) 104394

3.L.   Pan, J. Zhang, C. Chen, Y. Wang*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of   highly textured Bi2O2-xSe1+x with liquid-phase mechanical exfoliation, Scripta   Materialia 178 (2020) 376-381.

4.L.   Pan, Z. Zhao, N. Yang, W. Xing, J. Zhang, Y. Liu, C. Chen, D. Li, Y. Wang*,   Effects of sulfur substitution for oxygen on the thermoelectric properties of   Bi2O2Se, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (15) (2020)   5543-5548.

5.   L. Pan,* L. Zhao, X. Zhang, C. Chen, P. Yao, C. Jiang, X. Shen, Y. Lyu,   C. Lu, L.-D. Zhao,* Y. Wang*, Significant Optimization of Electron–Phonon   Transport of n-Type Bi2O2Se by Mechanical Manipulation of Se Vacancies via   Shear Exfoliation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11   (24) (2019) 21603-21609.

6.   L. Pan,* Y. Lang, L. Zhao, D. Berardan,* E. Amzallag, C. Xu, Y. Gu, C.   Chen, L.D. Zhao, X. Shen, Y. Lyu, C. Lu, Y. Wang*, Realization of n-type and   enhanced thermoelectric performance of p-type BiCuSeO by controlled iron   incorporation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (27) (2018)   13340-13349.

7.   L. Pan,* S. Mitra, L.D. Zhao, Y. Shen, Y. Wang*, C. Felser, D.   Berardan*, The Role of Ionized Impurity Scattering on the Thermoelectric   Performances of Rock Salt AgPbmSnSe2+m, Advanced Functional Materials   26 (28) (2016) 5149-5157.

8.   Lin Pan*, David Berardan* and Nita Dragoe, High thermoelectric   properties of n-type AgBiSe2, Journal of the American Chemical Society   2013, 135, 4914-4917

9.   Lin Pan*, David Bérardan, Lidong Zhao, Céline Barreteau, and Nita   Dragoe, Influence of Pb doping on the electrical transport properties of   BiCuSeO, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 023902 (2013)

10.Lin   Pan, Quanhong Tao, Shudong Zhang, Shuangshuang Wang, Jian Zhang, Suhua   Wang, Zhenyang Wang*, Zhongping Zhang*, Preparation, characterization and   thermal properties of micro- encapsulated Phase Change Materials, Solar   Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 98 (2012) 66-70

11.   N. Avraham,* A.K. Nayak, A. Steinbok, A. Norris, H. Fu, Y. Sun, Y. Qi, L.   Pan, A. Isaeva, A. Zeugner, Visualizing coexisting surface states in the   weak and crystalline topological insulator Bi2TeI, Nature materials,   19 (2020) 610-616.