姓 名:王倩倩
性 别:女
籍 贯:山东潍坊
职 称:副教授、硕导
电子邮箱:qqwang at njtech.edu.cn
2020/07-至今, 必威官方网西汉姆官方,副教授
2016/07-2017/10,德国不来梅大学,博士后,合作导师A. Lüttge
2014/04-2015/06,西班牙巴斯克大学,访问博士, 合作导师H. Manzano
长期从事低碳/负碳胶凝材料开发、冶炼渣资源化利用、材料多尺度计算模拟和防水材料等方面开展研究工作。近年来,在Cement and Concrete Research,Applied Surface Science, Corrosion Science, Construction and building materials和Journal of Physical Chemistry C等学术期刊上发表SCI一区/二区高水平学术论文二十余篇。Green and smart mining engineering期刊青年编委。获2019年中国硅酸盐学会中国建筑材料联合会基础研究类一等奖。获2023年中国黄金协会科学技术奖一等奖。入选2022年盐城市“科技副总”。
[1] Q. Wang*, H. Zhao, Z. Tian, J. Zhao, X. Shen, L. Lu, Variations in chloride ion sorption within Layered double hydroxides engineered with different cation types, Applied Surface Science, 655 (2024).
[2] X. Li, X. Shen, Q. Wang*, D. Lu, B. Qian, E.T. Pedrosa, A. Luttge, Influence of surface orientation on the variability of olivine dissolution rates, Applied Surface Science, 655 (2024).
[3] H. Li, Q. Wang*, H. Manzano, X. Shen, Mineral dissolution mechanism of alite polymorphs from ReaxFF molecular dynamics and 29Si NMR investigations, Applied Surface Science, 655 (2024).
[4] Y. Jin, H. Li, J. Chen, Q. Wang, Y. Bao, S. Hou, Microscopic Properties of Asphalt and Polyethylene at an Extraordinary High Dosage through Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Buildings, 14 (2024).
[5] 叶梦煊, 谷雷雷, 张梅, 王倩倩. 混凝土表面喷涂类有机无机杂化抗碳化剂制备及性能. 材料导报, 2023, (21), 1. doi:10.11896/cldb.23060104.
[6] C. Sun, Z. Yao, Q. Wang*, L. Guo, X. Shen, Theoretical study on the organic acid promoted dissolution mechanism of forsterite mineral, Applied Surface Science, 614 (2023).
[7] A. Lu, W. Xu, Q. Wang*, R. Wang, Z. Ye, Effect of Different Expansive Agents on the Deformation Properties of Core Concrete in a Steel Tube with a Harsh Temperature History, Materials, 16 (2023).
[8] X. Li, E.T. Pedrosa, Q. Wang*, B. Qian, X. Shen, D. Lu, A. Luttge, Discontinuous Dissolution Mechanism of Olivine Deduced from a Topography Observation Method, Langmuir, 39 (2023) 19008-19015.
[9] J. Du, Y. Jin, S. Hou, R. Jin, Q. Wang*, Effect of component characteristics on mechanical properties of asphalt: A molecular dynamics study, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18 (2023).
[10] SHI C, QIAN B, WANG Q*, et al. Structure analysis of beta dicalcium silicate via scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) [J]. Constr Build Mater, 2022, 348
[11] ZHAO J, SUN C, WANG Q*, et al. Thermodynamic, mechanical, and electronic properties of ettringite and AFm phases from first-principles calculations [J]. Constr Build Mater, 2022, 350
[12] ZHENG J, WEI S, WANG Q*, et al. Kinetics of alite formation and ye’elimite decomposition in alite-ye’elimite cement clinker [J]. Chemical Papers, 2021, 75(11): 5983-93.
[13] CLAVERIE J, WANG Q*, KAMALI-BERNARD S, et al. Assessment of the reactivity and hydration of Portland cement clinker phases from atomistic simulation: A critical review [J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2022, 154: 106711.
[14] QIAN B, LIU H, MA B, WANG Q*et al. Bulk trash to nano treasure: Synthesis of two-dimensional brucite nanosheet from high-magnesium nickel slag [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 333: 130196.
[15] LI X, WANG Q*, SHEN X, et al. Multiscale investigation of olivine (0 1 0) face dissolution from a surface control perspective [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 549: 149317.
[16] WANG Q*, YE Z, HU Y, et al. Effect of gypsum dosage on the hydration and strength of alite-ye’elimite cement synthesized at 1300 °C [J]. Constr Build Mater, 2021, 287: 123063.
[17] CHEN X, WEI S, WANG Q*, et al. Morphology prediction of portlandite: Atomistic simulations and experimental research [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 502: 144296.
[1] 一种硅酸盐水泥熟料及其制备方法,ZL202011228838.8
[2] 一种水泥熟料中阿利特晶体结构调控方法,ZL202011228814.2
[3] 一种混凝土自清洁有机无机杂化防水涂料及其制备方法, ZL202310104671.1
[4] 一种铜镍渣3d打印免烧碳化陶粒及其制备方法, ZL202310104674.5